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February 2016 Grade 5-12 Parent Survey |
This topic/question has changed over the past 10 years. It used to be the kids would get cell phone that could make calls and parents would ask me when their child should have text messaging, too. Some parents still began by getting their child a simple phone with just a text messaging plan, but many parents today skip this altogether and their child just starts with a smartphone with full Internet access. Often times the phone is a hand-me-down from a parent or older sibling.Almost one fourth (23.3%) of parents think that waiting until high school (grade 9-12) is best.
One third of parents believe that Grade 6 is the appropriate time for students to start having a cellphone with Internet access; 62% overall think middle school is when to start (grade 6-8).
Only 13.6% believe that it is appropriate for elementary students to have a cellphone with Internet access.Less than 1% (0.8%) believe it is not appropriate.
Nearly one third (31.3%) of parents have a filter on their child's cell phone that blocks inappropriate content.
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February 2016 Grade 5-12 Parent Survey |
“Everybody has one.”
“Everyone else has....” Perhaps the most persuasive words in the English language, “everyone else” has been the rallying cry for children trying to convince their parents to allow something for decades. Your child may tell you that they are the only one without a cellphone or perhaps without an iPhone. S/he may state that everyone but her/him has Internet access. Or perhaps your child says that no one else's parents have put a filter on their smartphone. This data proves that is not the case; even some upperclassmen don't have phones with Internet access, and of those that do, many are filtered. Related posts:
- Curbi: Great Option for Filtering and Monitoring an iPhone/iPad/iPod
- Quick & Easy Cell Phone Web Filtering for Kids (*and limitations)
- Five Ways to Raise Digitally Balanced JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) Kids ina FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) World
- Parenting with Purpose in the Digital Age... It's Complicated
- Parenting in the Digital Age Part 2: How Much Should Parents Snoop?
- Be Where Your Feet Are: #RealTime with Those Around You
- Techcognition in an Attention Economy
- District Digital Citizenship Committee: Tonka Schools Campaign to Raise Awareness of Cyber Safety at Home
- What's in a Name? Digital Health & Wellness vs. Digital Citizenship
- The Teenage Brain +Dementia of the Preoccupied
- Raising Digitally Balanced Kids: Cybersafety Resources