Friday, January 1, 2021

2021: Five Easy New Year's Resolutions to (Re)Gain a Healthy Balance with Technology

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2020 was…a lot! I think it’s generally understood by just about everyone that the past year has been a challenging one. So for this year’s first post, it seems fitting to (re)start with five easy New Year’s Resolutions for 2021 to (re)gain a healthy balance with Technology in your life. The first two are new ones for me and the others are continuations of past resolutions:
  1. Spend less time checking the news. The past year’s political elections and pandemic news among other things has provided for plenty of headlines and stories. I realized I was getting mentally burned out from spending too much time scrolling, scanning, refreshing and re-scanning news headlines throughout the day. I’ve tried a break from news in the past on a vacation, but now I want to limit it in my day to day living. One tip to help: Use Apple Screen Time to limit your own time in on Apple News and other apps.

  2. Have a community discussion around the the Social Dilemma, a great documentary produced by the Center for Humane Technology, similar to the LIKE documentary which we have shown in Minnetonka four times. If you haven't seen it yet, make the time to watch it with your family and discuss it, then get others to join in the conversation.

  3. Start a Facebook/Insta/Twitter/TikTok social media fast or at least reduce your daily time on each--I'm now finishing year five on a social media fast, with only a check of Twitter a couple times per week. Do this to gain another 40+ days of time in 2021.

  4. Take control of your phone by keeping off as many notifications as possible--I've done this for six years and counting. 

  5. Have Device Free Dinners as a family and recording daily gratitudes--I'm now in my fourth year and so glad I started this.
I also resolve to resume more regular blog posts. This is post #275. While I’ve been fortunate to remain healthy, dealing with COVID in the education world has been the biggest challenge we’ve faced in my past 26 years working in education. As evidence to this, my previous six+ years of weekly blog posts dropped to only 14 posts in 2020—and only six of those were since March 2020 when in-person school was shut down by our governor. 

Looking for more tech-related resolutions to help you (re)gain a healthy balance?  Watch My 20 Minute Ed Talk: Screen Time & Student Well-being and read related posts:

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