This summer we are offering more online learning options for our teachers than ever before. Currently over 20% of our teachers signed up for a class, many of which are already underway. There are 18 different classes from which they can choose, each taught by Minnetonka staff who are sharing their knowledge and expertise with their colleagues. There are classes on coding, screen casting, reading instruction, and much more. Farther below is the complete list.

In addition to our returning teachers taking one or more classes online this summer, we also are offering our approximately 75 new teachers online training. In the coming weeks, these new teachers will learn about technology and other topics like our teacher evaluation process prior to beginning new teacher face-to-face workshops and then beginning teaching on the first day of school, Tuesday, September 4.
Here is the list of online class options for returning teachers. Links will lead to full descriptions of each course:
- Grades 1-5
- Coding Across the Middle School Curriculum
- Digital Health & Wellness
- Desmos Math Activity Builder Grades 6-12
- Engaging Students in Reading Nonfiction
- Five Pillars of Reading
- Formative Assessment Toolkit
- Instructional Technology Seminar Grades K-1, Grades 2-3
- Instructional Technology Seminars 5-12
- Schoology Assessments K-12
- Schoology Gradebook 6-8
- Screencasting
- Secondary Reading Instruction
- Spheros: The Power of Spheros
- Spheros Digging Deeper
- Standards-Based IEP, Module 3: Writing Gap Statements
- Student Research Tools
- TinkerCAD & 3D Printing
- What Are Minnetonka Learning About This Summer? A Lot--During Our Professional Development Classes!
- School's Out But Teachers' Learning Doesn't Stop: Summer Professional Development in Minnetonka
- Summer 2016 Professional Development Options
- Summer 2015 Technology Professional Development for 400+ Minnetonka Teachers
- Tonka Online High School Starting Year Five with 40+ Courses & 1200+ Students
- 7 Years & 7 Lessons for Success with Schoology
- Tip #2 for a Successful 1:1 Implementation: Differentiate Teacher Training
- Tip #3 for a Successful 1:1 Implementation: Use Schoology as the Classroom Hub
- More Tips for Successful 1:1 Programs: Ongoing Teacher Sharing, Dialog, Reflection & Colleague Observations
- Technology Speed Dating Professional Development
- Join Us at the Annual Minnetonka Summer Institute June 12-14, 2018: Framework in Action
- Back to the Future Part I: 2005 Technology Staff Development Classes- the Beginning of Minnetonka's Digital Curriculum
- Teacher Teaching Teachers
- Tonka Teacher Talks at ETT San Diego iPad Summit 2015
- Minnetonka Top 100+ Ideas for 1:1 Integration in 5th grade, English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Language
- The Tonka AppMazing Race
- BreakoutEDU in Minnetonka for Adult (and Student) Learning
- An Easy Way to Weekly Inform Teachers & Parents of Great Technology Integration
- Beyond SAMR Ladders & Pools: A Framework for Teaching & Learning